We came to the breed randomly thanks to our friend, who have owned a blue female of this amazing breed. She immediately stole our hearts due to her unique character – fearless, loyal to her owner and ready to do anything he asked for with an incredible enthusiasm. She watched us carefully and did not want to cuddle with us as we were strangers to her.

Some time later we met another cattle dog, a red male with impressive obedience. He was so much like the female we met before and took our breath away, so we started to look for a puppy.

In June 2014 we bought a red male puppy. He was always very easy going and friendly, which to be honest, was not exactly what I expected. On the other hand it gave us an oportunity to do a lot of activities with him just like canisteraphy, search and rescue, obedience, herding and more.

The right character of cattle dog for us we have found in Alinga. Have to admit, that at the beginning we had problems with his behavior but once we understood him, he became our shadow and the best mate ever!

We hope to breed dogs just like him - loving his fammily, obedient, protective and able to work.

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